Okay.....Mr. Stubbleyou.....sounds like you are singing all the parts in this song......so you are in fact: in harmony with yourself.......am I right....and what do I win!! Trying to deside which "Stubbleyou" voice I like best........love them all!!! Mar Ever think of trying out for JB's...you see that musical anymore times and you could play any part!!!
I made this blog for humor about Jersey Boys and the Four Seasons, mostly song parodies. Please click on "stubbleyou" below. Feel free to comment; I have pretty thick skin. Feel free to email me at
Okay.....Mr. Stubbleyou.....sounds like you are singing all the parts in this song......so you are in fact: in harmony with yourself.......am I right....and what do I win!! Trying to deside which "Stubbleyou" voice I like best........love them all!!!
Ever think of trying out for JB's...you see that musical anymore times and you could play any part!!!
Yes, Mar, I'll be first in line when they open auditions for Jersey Boys - the Geriatric Years. I hope I can remember the words.
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